Page name: Shamen Platform [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-07 03:36:02
Last author: dead~spirit
Owner: G:/enesis~
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Shamen Platform



1. Crying Destiney - The main room. scenerio is constantly changeing as the warriors move along with their journies.

2. Atolincia - a massive man made Island that can move around the oceans, created by the United Nations, as a Military Island, but after getting built, it was expanded upon, and now half of it is a city, and the other half is a United nations base. the Funding for the massive island was said to have come from the Nosam's.

3. Eilondrie - One of the biggest undeveloped forest's in the world. It is said a long time ago, the forest was inhabited by rebels, that live peacefully with the nature around them. they were also said to have very bad temper's for outsiders, most adventures who entered the forest never came out.

4. Cinbactie - The most unforgiveing city known to man, most residents here, are Bounty Hunters, Assassins, Old Veterens, Mercenaries, or Criminals. Most of them can be met at in the local tavern. this is the most dead beat twon that could possibly exist.

5. Nordafis - This is the coldest land around, the mere wind chill factor is enough to kill a man in an istant. But if you make it to the tavern, the locals will take good care of you.

6. Half World - You feel as if your floating.. this world is grass as far as you can see, and one big tree in the middle. Perhaps you got here in a dream, or possibly meditation.. or just maybe imagination....

NPC's in this area:    Status:


A floating city above the clouds. said to have been made by the greatest of scientist, that after finsihed, were kidnapped and disappeared. It is believed to have been the work of the Nosam's. It is said that some great warriors came in after the city was demolished, with a larg amount of soldiers wearing red and black uniforms, they help rebuild the city in one year, and tried to save as many people as the could. It is even said that after they took control of the demolished city, the surviving U.N. soldiers were given the option of either leaving or helping.. The U.N. soldiers stripped off their uniforms and joined their ranks. The warriors and their army left after the rebuilding was done, leaving the people with a large plasma shield to cover their city from danger, and weaponry to protect themself's against enamies.. along with all that their stands a distress beacon, that if activated, will bring the great warriors back to the city to guard the citiziens. This city belongs to the citiziens now..

*You enter the Shamen Platform, you look around, and see civilians walking around, doing their daily tasks, along with some law enforcement personal. This is clearly a place of peace. Some of the citiziens welcome you as you enter the port. you see in the distance a monument dedicated to some crisis.*

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2005-12-02 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *steps off the the airship, as he smirks looking at the sky scrapers.*

2005-12-07 [G:/enesis~]: *a man in a black suit walks over to Tafia, and hands him another black envelope.& "your cover has been blown, the U.N. is out to capture you..have you completed your mission yet?"

2005-12-07 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *gets a sadistic smirk on his face as his eyes gleam through his silver hair at the man.* "all in good time.."

2005-12-08 [G:/enesis~]: *the man walks over to a car, and drives away.*

2005-12-08 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *walks through the crowd, and heads into the city.*

2005-12-20 [G:/enesis~]: *a man walks over to him, dressed up like a U.N. soldier.* "Tafia...I was sent here from ones of better crafts, they told me to meet you here. We cant meet here though, it seems the U.N. has found out, and has placed soldiers all over this city.... this was the only way i could get to you... get back on the ship, and ill meet you in Nordafis at the tavern. try to be descrete about this."

2005-12-20 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *nods, with out any words, as he turns and gets back on the ship.*

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *he exits the airship looking around, he was bound an determand to find this man, an this looks like the best place to start

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *He looks around and sees dead U.N. soldiers laying on the ground all around in two pieces. the ground is covered in blood. the sounds of machine gun bursts, and men screaming in horror can be heard in the city.*

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking at this he shakes his head an sighs "what is going on..." he then took off towards the sounds of guns an screams

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *in the middle of the city, he's fighting U.N. soldiers.. he is too fast for them. Jumping from soldier to soldier, he kills all of them but one.* "Im going to make your last moments a similarity of mothers eternal life.."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *Arriving in the middle of the battle his eyes narrow seeing tafia, an like a reaction with out thinking he draws his sword, electicity flowing around it, an the blade flashing blue, he raises it an then hits it against the ground... an enormous amount of blue energy was sent directly at tafia

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *about to kill the last soldier, he turns hearing the noise, and smirks at the attack, as he does a flip up in the air.*

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *the beam of course goes under tafia missing him completely, snowolf stand there looking at his sword confused for a second before looking up again an raiseing his blade "tell me... why!? what did sam do to you!?"

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *stop in mid air which confuses snowolf even more. He laughs, holding his katana in hand, as he stares at snowolf, the very look sends bad vibes down snowolfs back.* "He heard to much.."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf : *looking up at tafia "he heard to much? why would you talk in a bar!!!! about matters people cannot hear... your sick! you didnt kill him cause he heard to much... you killed him, cause you wanted to!" he spoke jumping up at tafia, his plade on a direct course for tafias chest

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *flys down to him, and blocks his attack. He gets face to face with Snowolf, as thier blades are crossed.* " you really think one life matters?"

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *pushes against tafias blade, as their blades are locked together "life matters!... an that life you took was a friend of myne! you wont get away with it!!!!" he spoke, you could hear the rage in his voice

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia:* his green eyes looks down to Snowolfs sword that was glowing, and smirked.* "thats a nice sword you have reminds me of someone alse ive heard of..."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *pushed more his eyes stayed narrow "really!? well to be honist i dont care!!!" he spoke, he vanished from where he was, apearing behind tafia, sliceing the blade of his sword glimmering in the light as it went to slice across tafia's back

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *disappears, and re-appears behind snowolf with the tip of his katana touching snowolfs back.* "your speed is good, but it could be better.*

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *disappears, and re-appears behind snowolf with the tip of his katana touching snowolfs back.* "your speed is good, but it could be better."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *Twists around quickly knocking tafia's blade away whis his own, just before back flipping away, landing on his feet he comes up right an raises his sword "... heh.. been a long time since ive met such a good fighter.. most people wouldnt of been able to avoid that"

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *smirks, as he stairs at Snowolf with out emotion.* "im just toying with you.."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *he nods "yes ive realized this... i dont stand a chance...." he laughed some "i got in over my head this time, but you killed sam.. will pay"

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *laughs, his silver hair covering his face. snowolf notices Tafias katana starting to emit black smoke from it, as if charging up.*

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs softly thinking to himself "this is it... heh... didnt think it happen this soon...but i ant goin down with out a fight" he spoke raising his sword

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *gets a sadistic smirk on his face, and was about to attack snowolf, when he seemed interupted. he looked up in the sky as if listening to someone, and nodding.*

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *watches tafia, his sword raised still in a defensive stance, wondering whats going on

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *sheaths his katana, and looks at snowolf with a smirk.* "ill spare you today, i have more important matters to attend."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *he watches tafia for a moment, his sword still drawn, he didnt trust tafia an was gonna stay ready..

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *quicker then he could see, Tafia flys off into the distant.*

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *he sighs some sheathing his blade, he turned, the bottom of his coat, waveing a bit in the wind as he walked away

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *a hand reachs up from the wounded soldier he left behind.* "sir...please help me..."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *he stops an lookds down at him kneeling down next to him "damn... your in rough shape" he said looking around, finding a soldier with a med pack he walked back an begain to bandage up the soldier

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *the soldier struggles, trying to get to his feet..* "is it true that that guy was part of project zero?"

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shrugs some, helping him up "I dont even know what project zero is... " he spoke looking around

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *the soldier, starts to feel dizzy from loosing to much blood.* "they say there was a project made up of 15 insabordinant elite soldiers a couple of years back.. they were they best soldiers we had.... Dealta force.. they say he was one of them.."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods "i see, well i never heard of them, an i was Delta Force myself at one time....but then again... i havent really had contact with them in quite some time"

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *the soldier falls back down, and cant get up.* "i hear that Warfox still lives, and that is why all this is happening."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *faces turns to a kinda shocked look "Warfox? your joking? hes alive!?.....any news on where he might be?"

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *the soldier coughs up blood, as he starts to die.* "the last i....he..heard he was at Eilondrie..the last two attempts to kill..hi..him fai....failed.."

2005-12-22 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods "thank you... im sorry to say this but your not gonna make it" he said, pokeing giveing him a shot or morphin he found "least it will be painless" he spoke before running off towards the airship

2005-12-22 [dead~spirit]: *the man smiled.* "i always wondered what it was like to die.." *he passes out and dies.*

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *steps off the airship, and sees the U.N. soldiers all around the docks.* "this will be interesting.."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *steps off behind tafia "wow!!! play toys?" she spoks looking to tafia

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *looks at her.* "due to current events that happened here with me.. they are going to notice me right away.."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna : *nods "but you can take them. an ill help to... i love playing"

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *walks towards the end of the dock, when one of the U.N. soldiers looks at him, and screams.*

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: U.N. soldier: *its him!!!!!! he's here!" sound thee alarms!!!"

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *follows behin him she had swung her blades up right so she gripped the handles and was ready

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *disappearded and reappeared behind the man with his katana sticking through him.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *watches "wow.... an i thoght i was fast" she grins

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: *U.N. guards run at tafia, shooting at him, as he jumps from one to another slicing them i n half.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna : *Sighs following tafia. lookign around "he enjoys killing more then me, hes not leaveing me one!" she thought

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *as a group of U.N. soldiers run up to him, he points his sword at them, and send a black orb at them, blowing them up, and creating a hole through the flying island.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *sighs softly, an cuts of the head of a random dead body

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *runs into a building, killing the four guards posted outside of it as he went.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *follows behind him, kicking the dead bodys

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *makes it to the top floor, and kicks in the door to find the two commanders sitting at the table with guards around them.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *runs inbehind him looking to the guards and the commanders then back to tafia

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *looks at her, and then swings the blood of his katana. he backs up slowly behind her as he sheaths his katana.* "you know what to do..."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna : *grins "finaly!" she leaps at the guards. killing each of them her blades became soaked in their blood, she smiles devilishly aftwards at the two commanders

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *makes his way out of the building leaving her behind, as he walks down the street.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *the commanders are head screaming before everything went silent... she leaped out of the window and caught up with tafia

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *walks over to the airship.* "why do you follow me?"

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *follows him to the airship "because your intereasting, the first one to actualy give me the chills in a long time..."

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *steps on the airship, and heads for Atolincia*

2006-01-19 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-01-19 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *as he steps off he see's all the wounded soldiers, and the body bags laying near the docking bay.* "someone got these basters before i did..."

2006-01-19 [dead~spirit]: Warfox:*walks over to a few soldiers.* "where are your commanders?"

2006-01-19 [dead~spirit]: *the soldiers nod.* "they are dead, talk to Lt. jackson, he is at the base.."

2006-01-19 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *as he walks past, the soldiers realize who he is.*

2006-01-19 [dead~spirit]: *the U.N. soldiers hold up the screen, showing his pictur to the rest of the men huddling around.* "look it cant says right here..killed in action.."

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *walks into the base.*

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: *the U.N. soldiers look at the base where he entered, and start to wonder, until they hear a scream behind them of a fellow soldier. They turn and see Tafia with his hand through a U.N. soldiers chest.* "holy shit! he ripped jacks heart out! guys fire!"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *smirked as he let the mans body fall to the ground, and unsheathed his sword.* "my pain...will be yours.."

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: *the U.N. soldiers hesitate for amoment before shooting.* "there's no way...he's dead, it cant be!"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *smirks as a bullet flys past his head. He slams his sword into the ground, and stretch's his arms apart, causing a red sphere to come out of the hault, and destroys the entire city incenerating everyone in it.*

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *feeling the quake, he runs out of the base in time to see the red ball expanding over the city, destroying it, and puts his shield up.* "shit!!!"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *after the rubble clears, he notices a blue shield near the center of the destroyed city.* "Its a small world after all."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *a plane lands like a harrier a few feet from the blue orb, snowolf getting out, he notices the place in ruins, walking to warfox "..whats going on?"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *his shield turns off as he looks at Snowolf, and points at tafia.* "why dont you ask your friend there.. I was trying to meet with a Lt. when he blew this place up.."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighing seeing tafia "we have to go....right now"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *looks at tafia who is centered on Snowolf.* "I dont think he is going to let us leave.."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighing "warfox... you can fly right.... go... take my plane... heh apologise to crim for me will you?" he spoke drawing his sword

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *not moving as nhe watchs Tafia, and his swords slide out of his bracelets.* "what a stupid thing to not going anywhere..."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods some ".. heh youve always been like that... never let me fight alone" he spoke as he held his blade, stareing at tafia

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *re-sheathed his blade as he smirked at them. He slowly raised his hand, pointing it at them, as a black orb started to form.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shook his head "like im gonna let you charge" he spoke sliceing his sword up into the air the spiral energy flew at tafia

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *still not quite sure what was going on watched the energy fly at tafia as a black shield went around Tafia.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs watching the energey go, knowing it wasnt gonna hit

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *before the energy hit, his attack fully charged, he shot the giant black orb at Snowolf through the energy beam destroying the blue beam.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *his blade flashes blue as a huge shield goes up around him, the black orp hitting when it was gone snowolf shield was flashing a bit but he was still there

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *re-appears behind them, kicking Warfox into a pile of bricks 20 feet away. He unsheaths his sword, and points it at Snowolf.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *turns to face tafia, raiseing his sword he smirked some saying nothing

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *Snowolf realized Tafia was way more powerful then he was the last time.. Tafia with one swift movement slides his sword through Snowolf's arm, and kicks him into the bricks next to Warfox.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *crindges feeling the sword "ahhhhhhh" before he was kicked into the bricks next to warfox coughing some his arm bleeding "...warfox....can you still move?"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *gets to his feet, as his blades glow blue.* "he's toying with us Snowolf...."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *struggles a bit but gets up as hs blade also glows blue to "...ya i know..." he sighs some watching "....jay.... heh...just want you to know....your my best friend"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *starts to charge up, as he looks at Tafia.* "O shut up josh!"

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smirks "some things just dont change" he spoke chargeing tafia right behind warfox

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: Stabs his sword through Warfox's chest, as he looks at Snowolf.* "he dies now."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *seeing warfox fall off tafias sword, his rage increased as he lundged at tafia, miracuously hitting him backwards

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *grabbed his arm, and broke it in three different places in a split second, before kicking Snowolf to the ground.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *hitting the ground he crindges some "damnit!"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *gets to his knee's as he drags himself over to Snowolf.* "you ok?" *blood drips from his mouth.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *crindgeing. blood seeping from his solder an his nose "ugh... heh just peachy"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *slamed his sword into the ground, and started to stretch his arms, when suddenly someone grabbed him, and threw him to the ground.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *pushing himself up again his vision was a bit blurred as he barrley held his sword

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *looked up to see a man with black hair covering his eye's, a black sleevles shirt and a black trench coat standing above Tafia.* "friend of yours josh?"

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smirks an nods some "...shai li..." he spoke watching them. before his blade glowed blue an his wounds started to heal

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *looks at snowolf and smiles, before looking at Tafia.* "what have you done brother?"

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking down, he seemed to ashamed to look shai li in the eye

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *stands up, and looks into Shai Li's eye's. before looking at Snowolf.* "im making them pay..."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighed some glanceing up as he holds his sword

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *looked at Warfox and Snowolf, he blinked a little as he stared at Warfox..* "You want to fight him..."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *breatheing hard but almost back to normal his sword healing him as he sighed some "whaat now..."

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: Walked towards Warfox and Snowolf.* " Im going to kill them all..."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: Readying his sword he sighs some "damn it.. i just healed"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *flips down infront of Tafia unsheathing his sword.* "if you want to fight them, you have to go through mke my brother, and i do not wish to fight you...would you kill your own family?"

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *watching shai li, in suprize as he glances at warfox

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *looks back at Snowolf as he stands up.* "Now is the time to leave josh."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods some looking to shai li "...thank you" he spoke before turning an running to his plane

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *draws his sword, as a tear runs down his face.* "move out of my way Shai... I will kill you.."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *now in teh pilot seat of his plane the canopee open for warfox, he starts to ready the engines, watching shai li "damn it!" he though, looking to that braclet then sighing some as he kicks on the engines "..jay lets go!"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *knocks the sword out of Tafia's hand as he kicks him to the floor.* "then you leave me no sorry."

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *the engines are warmed up he looks over "jay lets go now!" he spoke

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Warfox: *jumped into the jet, and buckled in.* "go go go!"

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *the canapee shut as he hit the throtle the plane blasted off into the air, he circled once looking down at shai li "good by friend...thank you" he spoke before blasting towards Cinbactie

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *re-appeared behind Shai Li, and pushed his fingers into shai li's back paralyzing him.* "you can stay like this for a while...and think about what you done today..."

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Shai li: *lays on the ground.* "if this is the price i pay for protecting friends..then so be it.. I will stand between you and them everytime I can."

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *walks away.* "you dis-honor me brother.. you just saved our brothers murderer.."

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: wakes up in a room with people standing around him, staring at him.* "where am i?"

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: *one man looks at him.* "you are in a underground facility of the shamen platform."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *looks around as he tries to stand up.* "you mean you people didnt leave?"

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: *the man walks over to shai li, and injects him with a sediment.* "no, this is our home, and we couldnt get out of here in time."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *tries to get off the bed, but falls on the floor, realizing he is paralyzed from the waist down.* "damn, you people need to get out of here, I sence something very wrong about to happen."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: *the man looks at the crowd, and then back to shai li.* "we have no where to go.."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *gets set in a wheel chair.* "i know of a place that should still be standing, and will welcome you all, gather all the survivors, we must get out of here."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: *the people look around, as the leader speaks for them.* "these are all the survivors..."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: Shai Li: *is shocked at there only being a handful, but starts to wheel out, well lets go, come on people, follow me.."

2006-02-18 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-12-07 [dead~spirit]:

A New Hope (expansion)

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